Fiesta Medals

One local festival that trumps any festival I have ever been to is Fiesta. Fiesta is an 11 day event held in the spring in San Antonio, Texas. It started in the late 19th Century as a way to honor those who fought at the Alamo and San Jacinto. Fiesta medals are extremely popular. Many…

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I have been crazy for gnomes this past year. I blame Gen Con. Well really I blame Gut Bustin’ Games and their Oh Gnome you Don’t board game that had a heavy presence at Gen Con. It looked like a fun game and we even got a demo at their booth. Also our niece took…

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Bear Lovey

I haven’t made that many pieces for babies. The one finished baby blanket I made took a long time. In fact I finished with literally an hour before the baby shower. My baby booties are usually different sizes. So I just shy away from baby items and just usually buy gifts. For some reason I…

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Lizard Bookmark Valentines

It’s nice to have a child that appreciates the things I make her. I made her a lizard bookmark from a free gecko pattern. The best thing about this pattern is that it is all one piece. It works up super fast. My daughter took the bookmark to school where a few kids had expressed…

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Thing One or Thing Two Wig

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss’ birthday. I have done two Dr. Seuss related crochet projects. One I did last year I crocheted a Cat in the Hat hat and tail for my daughter. Even before that I had made a Thing One and Thing Two wig for my niece’s twins. Here is the Thing One…

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Yarn Stories

Here it is Black Friday. I went to two stores for Black Friday: the local gaming store and the local yarn store. These are my two favorite places to shop. This year we are giving games as gifts or I am crocheting a gift. It feels so good to have a plan and not stress…

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Turd Blossom

Totally inspired by Star Lord from Guardians of the Galaxy when asked what he was doing (he was dancing around) he replied something like I am distracting you you turd blossom. Turd blossom was one of those phrases that from the moment I heard it I knew it would forever be part of my vocabulary….

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LPS Backpacks

Littlest Pet Shop fever has hit our house. My daughter has always loved LPS but since we’ve discovered LPS blind packs we have really gone crazy for the cute animal figures. Lately we have been playing a game of school with the LPS figures so naturally they need backpacks. So I was commissioned by my…

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Summer Food Amigurumi

Summer is in full swing here. I had a request from my daughter for some small ice cream treats. She made a menu of crazy food items like tuna cream, sunny delight, and other wild stuff that was ice cream. So I made a few little items for her to complete her ice cream shop….

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April Goals

Each month is a new start. A chance to do all those things you thought you would do the previous month. My crochet list has grown pretty long and daunting. So it is high time to have some monthly goals to finish works in progress and start new ones. This month I have these projects…

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